Walking Together
Since 1946
IYCS is a Catholic Action Movement of the Apostolate of Laity. It has a status of Private Juridical Personality according to Canons 298-311 and 321-329 of the Code of Canon Law. IYCS is recognized by the Holy See as an International Catholic Organization under the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. IYCS maintains close links with the Vatican Secretariat of State, particularly the section in charge of relations with the States. The International Young Catholic Students movement has been registered in France under the 1901 association law.
The International Young Catholic Students (IYCS) has since 1962 maintained official relations with UNESCO having been admitted in 1962 in category B (Information and Consultative Relations). IYCS is accredited to the United Nations Department of Information (DPI). IYCS is a Member of the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth, a Member of YOUNGO, the Children and Youth Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, a Member of the Conference of International Catholic Organizations, and a Member of the Global Catholic Climate Change Movement and a Co-Founder of the Laudato Si Generation.

Our Mission
IYCS aims to evangelize and transform the student milieu (both secondary and tertiary)
Our Core Values
The movement enables a meeting between the young person and Jesus Christ in order to overcome the dualism between faith and life
- Evangelism
- Community
- Spirituality
- Solidarity
- Advocacy
Our Vision
To educate and train students to work for solidarity, freedom, justice, and peace