Who We Are

IYCS – International Young Catholic Students

Aims and Objectives


To evangelize the student milieu and promote the student apostolate among students, at both secondary and tertiary levels, by responding to their needs and by stressing their responsibility in all aspects of their lives (school, university, family etc.) in the Church’s mission and in the world.


To bring together students seeking community, formation, and action, in the framework of the Catholic Church, at the local, national, continental, and global levels.

Solidarity and Peace

To promote global solidarity, freedom, justice, and peace and to work with all concerned women and men for joint reflection and action leading to a more just and social order.

Student Support

To give students resources, pedagogies, and methodologies to help them integrate their Christian faith in their lives at all levels and in their efforts to build a more just society;

Being a voice for students

To be a voice for its student members by representing them in regional and international forums

IYCS Identity

IYCS is a Catholic Action Movement of the Apostolate of Laity. It has a status of Private Juridical Personality according to Canons 298-311 and 321-329 of the Code of Canon Law. IYCS is recognized by the Holy See as an International Catholic Organization under the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. IYCS maintains close links with the Vatican Secretariat of State, particularly the section in charge of relations with the States. The International Young Catholic Students movement has been registered in France under the 1901 association law, since 1959.

The International Young Catholic Students (IYCS) has since 1962 maintained official relations with UNESCO having been admitted in 1962 in category B (Information and Consultative Relations). IYCS is accredited to the United Nations Department of Information (DPI). IYCS is a Member of the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth, a Member of YOUNGO, the Children and Youth Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, a Member of the Conference of International Catholic Organizations, and a Member of the Global Catholic Climate Change Movement and a Co-Founder of the Laudato Si Generation.

The World Council

The World Council is the supreme decision-making body of the International Young Catholic Students. It meets in an ordinary session every four (4) years at a date and venue to be determined by the International Team. The World Council is composed of Student Representatives from National Movements, all members of the International Team, collaborator and contact movements, chaplains, adult animators/assistants and invited guests as observers. The quorum of the IYCS World Council is 51% of member movements with the right to vote either present or represented. Two-thirds majority of voting members are required to pass statutory related decisions/resolutions.  

The World Council is Chaired by a Presidium composed of the Secretary General and two delegates from the National Movements (Member or Collaborator Movements) who are chosen at the start of the World Council Sessions to ensure the practical organization of all the meetings. 

The IYCS World Council decides on the affiliation or disaffiliation of member movements; amends and votes the statutes and rules of procedure; discusses and approves the activity and audited financial reports of the International  Team; adopts a strategic framework  and plan of action for the following four years; fixes the level of membership fees; elects the Secretary General and Programme Coordinator; and ratifies the election by each Regional Committee/Council of one National Movement per region  as a member of the International Committee and  the Regional Coordinators elected by each Regional Committee/Council as  members of the International Team. The International Committee, International Commissions, International Advisory Board, and the International Team are the subsidiary organs of IYCS with their composition and functions stipulated in the IYCS Statutes.

Who We Are.

The International Team

Fr. D’Almeida Achille
International Chaplain
Mr. Ibrahim Roy
Programme Coordinator
Mr. Odongo Innocent
Secretary General
Mr. Makusha Benson
Africa Coordinator
Ms.Prisca Koffi
Africa Coordinator
Mr. Shakar Emad
Middle East Coordinator
Ms. Idrogo Karin Estela
Latin America Coordinator
Ms. Gutierrez Teresa
European Coordinator
Ms. Jhulienne Bucao
Asia Coordinator
Rev. Fr. Anthony Makunde
Africa Chaplain
Rev. Fr. Prageeth Dishan
Asia Chaplain
Rev. Fr. Ángel Saboya
Latin America Chaplain
Rev. Fr Joseph Salloum
Middle East Chaplain

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